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Mental Health Awareness Week 18th-25th May 💜Kindness💜

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 and the theme for this year is kindness.

Watch video about the theme, Kindness Matters;

Being kind is something I think we can all do very simply, that will improve society dramatically.

One small act of kindness can transform a person’s day and we often have no idea what the person ‘smiling’ at us is actually going through under the façade.

I do truly believe that doing a random act of kindness for someone can really change that person’s day and can make you feel really good. It doesn’t have to cost you anything either, even checking in on someone all alone, especially at the moment (whilst we are dealing with these very unusual circumstances), can change their day.

I really liked this video from the ‘cool to be kind project’ there are some great ideas. ❓Do you think if we all do a kind act for another person each day that we could really make a difference?

Imagine if everyone who receives this email 200 ish people all do 1 act of kindness for a person, that’s 400ish people whose day could be made brighter. The person doing a random act of kindness can get a great feeling from doing this as well as the person receiving this.

I would ❤️ you to let me know how it made you feel if you do decide to do something.

Let’s talk about Mental Health. In all seriousness I am not saying that being kind can cure mental illness, it is a much bigger issue than that. I know a lot of you will already know this about me because I talk quite openly about it and with regards to my own mental health, I like to take a holistic approach to it.

I grew up around mental illness, a parent with anxiety and depression, friends that also deal with mental health issues and my daughter has suffered greatly with mental illness since she was young, she has even been admitted to a mental health hospital a few times. I always thought I was ‘fine’ and not impacted, but when my daughter was 13 and underwent her first admission to a mental health hospital, I broke and just could not cope. I went to see my G.P. I broke down completely and explained what was going on in my life and how I was feeling. They were great, I have had a lot of counselling, take medication and I can only describe it as they keep me level.

I also know I need to spend regular time taking care of me to help me be strong.

Like the saying goes ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’, take care of you first and then you can be there to support your family and others.

I like to do lots of things for me; Meditation, Reiki, Massages, Facials, Exercise, Yoga, Walking, Reading, Spending time with my friends, going away for the weekend with friends occasionally, and my one true love (lol) getting my eyelashes done. All these things help me to keep on top of my mental health and make me feel good.

It’s not always this way though, I have been through some massive life changes in the last 7 months and thankfully I am now coming out of the other side now, but my friends and family have been a huge support over the last few months but I have had numerous breakdowns and rock bottom moments. I just want you to know that its ok, but just talk about it as much as possible.

Right now I’m in a good place, excited to be looking for what will be my new home and then once lockdown is over I will be building up my beauty business Tranquility Lash & Beauty again and I can’t wait to see all your lovely faces again and have our catch ups at your appointments. I miss doing your lashes and treatments so much.

I want you to know you can always talk to me about anything you are going through, its not a magic cure, but I find talking about my feelings helps.

Look after your mental health and be kind to others and lets see how much we can change the world one kind act at a time 😉.

Hope to see you all very soon, much love, Laura xx


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